Installing Anaconda on WSL
Difference between conda and Anaconda
conda is the package manager. Anaconda is a set of about a hundred packages including conda, numpy, scipy, ipython notebook, and so on.
You installed Miniconda, which is a smaller alternative to Anaconda that is just conda and its dependencies (as opposed to Anaconda, which is conda and a bunch of other packages like numpy, scipy, ipython notebook, etc.). Once you have Miniconda, you can easily install Anaconda into it with conda install anaconda.
- GUI included in Anaconda that allows you to launch applications and easily manage conda packages, environments and channels without using a command prompt or terminal program. Navigator is automatically installed when you install Anaconda.
- free enterprise-ready python distribution w/150+ popular python packages.Used mostly for science, math , engineering & data analysis.
- Comes with
to manage librareis & enviroments. - another $250$ packages can be installed with the
conda install
command. - A full distrubution of the central sofwae in the Pydata ecosystem including Python itself anong with binaries for several hundred thrie-party open souce projects.
- lighter alternative to Anaconda.
- comes just with Python and
- ideal for user who want to star witha minimal linstallation and be able to manage their own set of packages.
- installer for an empty conda enviroment containing ony
and its dependencies, so you can install from scratch.
- Pip Installs Packages is a python’s officialy-sanctioned package manager, and ist most commonly used to isntall packages published on the *Python Package Index (PyPI).
- general purpose manger for Python packages
- pip installs python packages with any enviroment.
package withinconda
- utility that allows user to crate isolated Python envirometns that work with
- utility that allows user to crate isolated Python envirometns that work with
conda v pip
- both are package managers they are different.
is psecifi for python packagesconda
is language-agnostic, it maintains packages form any language.pip
compiles from souceconda
installs binaries, so no compilation.conda
craetes language-agnostic enviroments nativelypip
relies on virtualenv to manage only python enviroments.
- general-purposepackage management system designed to build ns manage softawe of any type from any language
- its not a fundamentally a python package.
- its designed to manage packages and dependencies with any sofwatre stack.
- Its less like
andmore like a cross-platform version ofapt
Conda is a package manager, Anaconda is a distribution.
Install Miniconda on Windows Linux Subsystem
Open your terminal and type
After its done downloading type
Make the file executable
Run the file